5 Common Signs Of A Weak Immune System

5 Common Signs Of A Weak Immune System

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Your immune system is a collection of organs, cells and proteins that defends your body from germs. It protects you from colds, infections and even serious illnesses.

If you’re constantly popping antibiotics or visiting your doctor to curb illness that keeps resurfacing then it could be a sign of a weak immune system.

1. You’re Always Sick

A healthy immune system protects you against viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that cause disease. But if you have a weak immune system, it’s easier for these organisms to get inside your body and cause illness. You may also get sick more often or have a more serious version of an illness that would otherwise be minor.

It’s normal to have one or two colds per year, but if you find yourself constantly catching them, this is a sign that your immune system needs a boost. It’s also a red flag if you have to take antibiotics for urinary tract infections, sinusitis, pneumonia and fungal infections like yeast or thrush.

Frequent diarrhea and constipation are also a bad sign of a weakened immune system. This is because nearly 70 percent of your immune system lives in your digestive tract where it’s protecting you from germs.

2. You Have Frequent Infections

When your immune system is working well, it protects your body from harmful toxins, viruses, germs and fungi. It does this by keeping white blood cells that attack these invaders in your blood vessels. People who get frequent infections have a weak immune system. They also get sick more easily when exposed to stressors. Chronically high levels of stress cause the release of cortisol which lowers the response of the lymphocyte T-cells which are your bodies main infection fighters.

If you find yourself battling typhoid fever, malaria, respiratory or urinary tract infections more than twice a year then it’s a sign of weak immunity. This is because your gut microorganisms play a major role in regulating your overall immune balance by sending the necessary signals to fight off bad bacteria and viruses.

3. You Have Frequent Diarrhoea

If you have frequent diarrhoea, especially diarrhea that lasts more than 2 to 4 weeks, this is a warning sign that your immune system is harming the lining of your small intestine and digestive tract. Also, if your bowel movements are very firm and look like small rabbit pellets this is another sign that you have a weak immune system.

If you have a weak immune system, it’s likely that your lifestyle habits are contributing to the problem. Things such as smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, eating an unhealthy diet and being overweight can all have a negative impact on your immunity. Long-term stress also erodes the body’s immunity as it suppresses white blood cells. This is why it’s important to manage your stress levels and find healthy ways to relieve it.

4. You Have Frequent Constipation

A weak immune system is more likely to cause digestive issues like bloating, constipation and diarrhea. This is because most of the immune system is in our digestive tracts where it’s important to have healthy gut bacteria and a balanced diet.

A weakened immune system can also cause dry eyes and other symptoms including rashes and boils. Our skin is considered our first line of defence against invaders so when there’s a breakdown in this barrier, it can allow unwanted organisms to enter our body.

High-stress levels are another sign of a weak immune system as stress lowers the lymphocytes that fight infections. It’s also important to get sufficient sleep as a lack of rest can affect our immune function. Managing our stress levels, eating a healthful diet and boosting our vitamin C intake are all great ways to strengthen the immune system.

5. You Have Frequent Skin Infections

A healthy immune system is your body’s defence mechanism against germs and other environmental threats. It constantly works around the clock to keep you healthy and protect your cells from damage, infection and even disease.

A strong immune system can prevent germs from entering the bloodstream and attacking your organs. However, some health conditions and medications can interfere with the function of your immune cells.

A weak immune system is a risk factor for certain illnesses such as malaria, frequent infections, indigestion and inflammatory diseases like eczema. Frequent recurrence of these ailments is a sign of a weak immunity and should be addressed immediately. Continual dependency on medication to ease symptoms that keep resurfacing is not healthy. This includes antibiotics, paracetamol and NSAIDS. These medications can also cause diarrhoea, liver problems and kidney issues.