Creating and maintaining a healthy relationship takes work. Even if you have been together for years, there is always room to improve your bond and intimacy.
Embracing new rituals, like ordering pizza on Fridays or making popcorn while watching TV, can help keep the spark alive. In addition, being radically transparent about the things you have done to hurt your partner can help you rebuild trust.
1. Try ED Treatments and Pills Like Viagra
Intimacy in a relationship is important, and sexual dysfunction can cause problems. Many people may be tempted to use herbal supplements or pills that claim to enhance sexual function, but these products are not effective and can contain dangerous substances. Instead, talk to your partner about erectile dysfunction treatment options like Viagra.
Men with ED may feel embarrassed to discuss their problem, but letting them know that you support them in seeking treatment can make them more comfortable with discussing their ED. You can also offer to help them find ways to increase arousal during sex, such as ramping up foreplay or using sex toys.
2. Take Some Time for Yourself
Spending time alone is a huge part of a healthy relationship. It allows you to recharge your batteries, take care of your own needs, and re-establish your independence.
It’s also an excellent opportunity to reconnect with your partner by doing activities that you both enjoy. Try taking a quiz online to discover your love languages, then start scheduling one night per month for connection-oriented activities.
Checking in can also help you strengthen your bond by preventing annoyances from building up to full-blown fights. You can use these check-ins to discuss any triggers or problems, and even celebrate good things that have recently happened.
3. Try a New Hobby
Hobbies that stoke curiosity can help couples to bond and learn something new. However, it’s important to understand what you hope to gain from your hobby before deciding on it.
For example, if your partner loves the beach you might start a collection of seashells or try cooking together. Alternatively, you could attend a museum to spark conversation and learn about new cultures. Any pleasurable activity can be a useful tool to boost intimacy in a relationship. But be sure to avoid any that are too taxing or abrasive. That might lead to tension and resentment.
4. Have a Meal Together
Eating together is an important part of family life, but it seems to be a lost art in the modern world. People are constantly rushing around, trying to fit in work and activities, and most families only eat together once or twice a week.
Studies have found that sharing a meal with your partner increases intimacy. The simple act of feeding someone has been shown to increase the secretion of oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone”, which makes you feel closer and more loving.
Try planning, shopping and preparing meals together as often as possible. Even if you can’t make it to dinner every night, try having breakfast or lunch together on weekends or before your kids go to piano practice or hockey.
5. Talk About Your Day
Research suggests that people feel closer to those they love when they share the high and low points of their day. It also helps to know that their partner understands the challenges they face.
Try replacing the ho-hum “how was your day?” question with other more open-ended questions like, "What were you working on this week?"
Don’t forget about bringing back small gestures that showcase how much you love your partner. Studies show that couples who are destined to stay together engage in at least five times as many positive interactions as negative ones. These include things like complimenting and touching each other.
6. Do Something Unusual
Whether you're looking to spruce up your love life or simply find new ways to connect with your partner, trying something unusual can do wonders. Traveling to a foreign destination or planning an out-of-the-ordinary date night can help bring some romance back into your relationship.
Studies have shown that sharing experiences with one another helps couples feel closer to each other. This doesn't have to be verbal; even holding hands or just touching each other can help increase feelings of intimacy.
If you're not good at expressing your emotions, try doing activities like a guided meditation or journaling together. These can help you become more attuned to your emotions and improve your ability to communicate them with others.