
The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

When a person with Parkinson’s disease starts losing movement, the impact can be devastating. However, new research shows that exercise can help slow the progression of symptoms.

A physical therapist can help develop an exercise program that will improve your mobility and quality of life …

5 Soaps That Trigger Eczema

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

The soap you use plays a huge role in managing your eczema and avoiding future flare-ups. You want to choose a cleanser that is gentle and free of common irritants, allergens and fragrance oils.

This formula features skin soothing ingredients like aloe vera and chamomile to …

The Best Vitamins and Remedies For Sinusitis

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Keeping your sinuses healthy can help prevent infections and chronic sinus congestion. Diet, saline nasal sprays and herbal supplements can all play an important role.

N-acetylcysteine is an amino acid derivative with mucolytic properties that may help thin the mucus in your sinuses, allowing it to …

6 Simple Exercises For Chronic Pain Management

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Chronic pain can be very difficult to manage. Many times, incorporating a well-rounded exercise program can help alleviate the pain.

Regular exercise results in the release of natural endorphins, which enhance mood and ease pain signals. It also increases flexibility and strength, which can lead to …

Dermatitis 101: What Are the First Signs of Dermatitis?

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Dermatitis can develop on any area of the body and at any age. It often starts in early childhood. Rashes may ooze clear fluid or bleed. The itching is intense. Scratching can make the rash worse.

A rash called atopic dermatitis is the most common type …

7 Foods That Can Trigger Allergy Symptoms

By coloradotha
August 28, 2023

Millions of Americans have food allergies. Many can’t even eat small amounts of the problem foods without serious symptoms.

Allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, fish and wheat are most common. Many children outgrow their reactions to these foods, but others remain allergic throughout life. Reactions to the proteins in …

Spinal Decompression 101: 5 of the Best Spinal Decompression Treatments

By coloradotha
August 28, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Spinal decompression is a nonsurgical treatment for lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica and bulging herniated discs. It helps the spine move properly, reducing pressure on discs in the vertebrae and relieving nerves.

It is a gentle therapy that bypasses the body’s natural reaction to …

5 Foods That Help With Depression

By coloradotha
August 28, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

If you’re struggling with depression, eating better can help. While diet is not a replacement for traditional depression treatments, it can be an important complement to your treatment plan.

Fish is a great source of omega-3 fats, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA …

4 Essential Pain Management Options and Treatments

By coloradotha
August 28, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Pain is a natural part of many diseases, conditions and injuries. It can last a short time and stop when you heal (acute pain) or it can continue for months or years and interfere with your daily life (chronic pain).

Your provider may recommend different approaches …

The Best Natural Pain Relief Methods

By coloradotha
August 28, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Natural pain relief methods have been used for centuries to relieve chronic and acute pain without harsh side effects. These include herbal supplements, acupuncture, warm compresses and massage.

Stinging nettle leaf (Urtica dioica) relieves pain and inflammation by inhibiting the COX enzyme, similar to Aspirin. Devil …