
5 Signs Of Excess Sugar Intake

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Eating too much sugar can affect your body in many ways. It can cause cavities, irritability, weight gain, and even depression.

Natural occurring sugars like fructose (in fruits) and lactose (in dairy) are okay in small amounts, but processed sugars, including high fructose corn syrup, should …

Signs Of Excessive Salt Intake

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Salt is essential for a myriad of physiologic functions, but if we eat too much it can have some undesirable side effects. These include puffiness, frequent urination and dehydration.

Many people don’t even know they’re eating too much salt, as a lot of it …

4 Serious Warning Signs Of Poor Blood Circulation

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Poor blood circulation can lead to serious health problems such as blood clots and infected skin ulcers. That’s why it’s essential to report any symptom of poor circulation to a doctor right away.

A common warning sign is cold feet and hands, but it …

5 Signs Of Dental Issues Due To Excess Sugar

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

More foods than people realize contain sugar, from natural sources like fruit, vegetables and honey to processed foods such as cookies and chips. Processed sugar is more damaging to teeth as it leaves behind a thin film known as plaque on the tooth surface that saliva …

4 Bad Habits That Lead To Poor Skin

By coloradotha
August 22, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

There are a lot of bad habits that can cause poor skin. Things like junk food diets, smoking and forgetting to apply sunscreen can all lead to premature aging, dull skin and clogged pores.

Good skin care starts with changing bad habits. Here are some of …

How to Get Free Dentures For Seniors

By coloradotha
August 21, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Many seniors are unable to afford their dental care. Fortunately, there are a few organizations that provide free dentures for seniors who need them.

There are a few limitations and criteria that you must meet to qualify for these programs. These programs give preference to senior …

The Best Full Time Care Options for the Elderly

By coloradotha
August 21, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Whether an elderly loved one just had surgery or suffers from a chronic illness, they may need full-time care. But what are the best options?

Thankfully, there are many different types of long-term care. These include home care, adult day care programs and transportation services. But …

Appendicitis: Signs & Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

By coloradotha
August 18, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

If you’ve been experiencing pain in your lower right abdomen accompanied by fever or nausea, you could have appendicitis. Appendicitis is dangerous because it can rupture and cause sepsis if left untreated. Knowing the signs and symptoms of appendicitis can help you assess whether you …

The Best Smooth Shaving Razors for Men

By coloradotha
August 15, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Different types of razors

Disposable razors are incredibly common and designed for single use. They are lightweight, cheap, and easy to find at most stores. Due to their size and convenience, they are a good option for quick trips. However, most only last for up to …

A Quick Guide to ABA Programs For Children With Autism

By coloradotha
August 14, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

ABA programs usually involve up to 40 hours of one-on-one therapy with certified therapists. The therapists will teach your child to reinforce useful behaviors while discouraging unhelpful ones. They also encourage caregivers and other family members to practice the same techniques with their children.

Some parents …