Thanks to advancements in medicine and technology, Americans are living longer than ever. The number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to nearly double by 2060. In 2018, the number of Americans ages 65 and older was 52 million. That number will rise to 95 million, with the 65+ age group making up 23% of the total population.
Most seniors want to remain in their homes as they age, but sometimes additional support is needed to keep them healthy and help them maintain their independence. Fortunately, several home health care options are available that cater to the unique needs of older adults.
What is home health care?
Home health care refers to a wide range of healthcare services that can be provided in the home. It includes care provided by skilled medical professionals, such as nursing care, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. It can also include non-medical care, such as social services or assistance with daily living. Home health care is often less expensive than care provided in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. And it’s more convenient because it takes place directly in the home, where patients often feel more comfortable.
Home health services can include:
- Personal care, including help with getting dressed or bathing
- Wound care
- Cleaning, yard work, or other household chores
- Money management
- Patient and caregiver education
- Nutrition therapy
- Medication management
- Companionship services
There are a couple of ways seniors or their family members can access home care services. They can be paid for directly or through public or private sources. Home care funding sources include Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, and the Older Americans Act. An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) can also help coordinate or provide services, such as Meals-On-Wheels or assistance with homemaking.
What are the benefits of home care?
Many seniors want to age in place in their golden years. They want to remain in the comfort of their own homes rather than move to an assisted living facility.
Fostering independence is one of the main benefits of home care for seniors. Home care helpers can provide extra support when needed, but the individual can usually do most things for themselves. Home care can also help improve accessibility throughout the home so seniors can remain independent. For example, a home care agency may perform a safety assessment to address any hazards in the home. These can include loose rugs and other tripping hazards or unsecured furniture.
Home care can also modify light switches or handles so they are easier to use or increase lighting to improve visibility. Installing grab bars in the shower or handrails on staircases can also improve safety. Home care agencies may also rearrange furniture to accommodate mobility aids or clear walkways. They can also install stairlifts or ramps if necessary.
Remaining at home also allows seniors to continue participating in the activities they enjoy. Perhaps they like spending time in their garden or walking around their neighborhood. They might also have community events or religious gatherings they enjoy attending.
Home care can also reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness. Research has shown that nearly half of seniors report feeling lonely regularly. Some older adults have social connections, such as a spouse, but more than a quarter of seniors live alone. Loneliness has also been shown to reduce seniors’ life expectancy. It puts older adults at a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other conditions. Home visits provide seniors with regular social interaction during the week.
Home care workers can also support seniors outside of the home, such as accompanying them to the doctor or grocery store. Volunteers can call or visit seniors at home during the week or help them find local activities and events to attend.
What resources are available to help seniors age in place?
There are a variety of resources available to help seniors age in place. Word of mouth can be helpful in finding resources, but there are also federal agencies that can help. The Administration for Community Living provides information for different resources, such as Eldercare Locator or Home Health Compare, to help seniors find home care options in their area. It also provides a long-time care planner so older adults can start thinking about what their needs might be in the future.
Geriatric care managers can help seniors find resources to make daily living easier. They can also assist with long-term care planning. Seniors can also speak with clergy or tribal organizations to find community and government resources.
The ability to remain in the home is important for many seniors. Home care help can enable seniors to age in place and maintain their independence. Whether it's companionship services or the expertise of a home health aide, there are a wealth of resources available that can help support seniors in their golden years.
Resource links:
"Fact Sheet: Aging in the United States" via Population Reference Bureau
"What is Home Health Care" via Alliance for Home Health Quality and Innovation
"Home Health Care" via Eldercare Locator
"Healthcare’s Responsibility: Reduce Loneliness and Isolation in Older Adults" via American Society on Aging
"LongTermCare.gov" via Administration for Community Living