Safe Alkaline Water: Separating Fact from Fiction

Safe Alkaline Water: Separating Fact from Fiction

By coloradotha
May 09, 2024

Safe Alkaline Water: Separating Fact from Fiction

While some claim alkaline water offers numerous health benefits, the science behind these claims is mixed. Here's a breakdown to help you decide if it's the "best" water for you:

What is Alkaline Water?

Regular water has a neutral pH level of 7. Alkaline water has a pH higher than 7, meaning it's slightly less acidic. This can occur naturally in some springs or be achieved through filtration processes.

Safety of Alkaline Water:

Generally, naturally occurring alkaline water is considered safe to drink. However, artificially produced alkaline water with very high pH levels (above 10) can potentially cause stomach upset in some individuals.

Benefits of Alkaline Water (limited evidence):

Proponents of alkaline water claim it can:

  • Neutralize acid in the body (limited scientific support)
  • Improve bone health (research inconclusive)
  • Aid in weight loss (no strong evidence)

Drawbacks of Alkaline Water:

  • May interfere with digestion for some people due to its lower acidity.
  • Can leach minerals from bones and teeth with long-term, excessive consumption (limited research).
  • Often more expensive than regular tap water or filtered water.

Best Water to Drink?

The best water for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some things to consider:

  • Hydration: The most important factor is staying adequately hydrated. Any type of water can help achieve this.
  • Health Concerns: If you have specific health concerns, consult a doctor before switching to alkaline water.
  • Taste: Some people find alkaline water to have a slightly different taste than regular water.

Alternatives to Alkaline Water:

  • Regular tap water with added minerals (check your local water report for quality)
  • Filtered water
  • Adding fruits or vegetables to regular water for natural flavoring (e.g., lemon slices, cucumber slices)

Remember: Don't rely solely on alkaline water for any purported health benefits. Maintain a balanced diet and consult a doctor for any health concerns.