The Best Vitamins and Remedies For Sinusitis

The Best Vitamins and Remedies For Sinusitis

By coloradotha
August 29, 2023

Photo Courtesy: Adobe Images

Keeping your sinuses healthy can help prevent infections and chronic sinus congestion. Diet, saline nasal sprays and herbal supplements can all play an important role.

N-acetylcysteine is an amino acid derivative with mucolytic properties that may help thin the mucus in your sinuses, allowing it to drain. It also enhances lung and liver functioning.

Vitamin C

There are a variety of natural remedies to help relieve sinus pain and congestion. Mild analgesics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can ease discomfort. Steam can also loosen congestion. Nasal irrigation with xylitol can moisten and soothe the nasal passages.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can strengthen the immune system. A high dose of Vitamin C at the onset of symptoms may reduce the duration and severity of sinusitis.

Bromelain (an enzyme derived from pineapples) can reduce inflammation and loosen mucus. It is often combined with the flavonoid quercetin, which can alleviate allergy symptoms by inhibiting histamine production. It is important to consult with a doctor before taking any dietary supplements.

Vitamin A

The vitamin A found in foods like dairy, eggs and leafy greens can promote healthy sinuses. It helps thin mucus and reduce inflammation in the sinuses.

A small number of studies indicate that the enzyme bromelain from pineapples can help reduce inflammation and loosen mucus. It is often combined with quercetin, a flavonoid that may act as an antihistamine.

Many natural treatments can relieve symptoms of sinus infections including xylitol nasal irrigation, black cumin seed oil, and herbal combinations like Sambucus nigra (European elder), Rumex acetosa (common sorrel), Primula veris (cowslip) and Gentian root. The supplement N-acetyl cysteine also has mucus-thinning properties. A saline solution flushed through the nose using a Neti pot is another tried-and-true home treatment for sinus pain and congestion.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties and circulates blood to the sinuses. It also helps to reduce inflammation.

Conventional pharmaceutical options to reduce inflammation in the nasal and sinus passages include over-the-counter decongestant nasal sprays or drops. However, these medications can cause rebound congestion if used over long periods of time and do not treat the underlying inflammation.

Another natural treatment is a saline rinse made by mixing a teaspoon of salt with a pint of water that has been boiled and then allowed to cool. This rinse helps to soothe irritated passageways and thin mucus. It is recommended that you avoid saline nasal sprays or drops that contain preservatives.

Vitamin B6

The sinuses can become inflamed and irritated, leading to a runny nose, sinus pressure, headache and pain. Taking over-the-counter analgesics like aspirin and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help relieve these symptoms.

Vitamin C is a natural immune booster that helps to clear mucus and reduce inflammation. The antioxidant quercetin can also help to reduce symptoms of sinusitis.

Avoiding irritants like cigarette smoke and chlorinated water, and using humidifiers or vaporizers can help to improve sinus passageways. Other healthy habits that can help reduce sinusitis include drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep. Vitamin B6 is another good supplement to take because it can help break down the mucus that builds up in the sinuses.

Vitamin B12

A dietary amino acid, N-acetylcysteine improves sinus health by increasing airflow and thinning mucus. The supplement can also help reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. It is recommended for people suffering from chronic sinusitis.

Other supplements that are helpful for sinus problems include quercetin, stinging nettles and turmeric. These herbs have a good safety record and can be used to help reduce swelling, thin mucus and reduce inflammation.

In addition to these supplements, drinking water and inhaling steam can help clear the sinuses. It is also important to avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can contribute to congestion and blockages. A humidifier, a hot shower or a warm, wet compress can help with sinus issues too.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps strengthen your immune system to prevent and treat sinus infections. It also has mucolytic properties that help thin out thickened mucus. It may help reduce the recurrence of sinus infections as well.

Taking the herb Sinupret, a combination of Sambucus nigra (European elder), Rumex acetosa (common sorrel), Primula veris, and Gentiana lutea, may help reduce symptoms. The herbs in Sinupret are thought to work by thinning the mucus and helping the sinuses drain, which relieves pressure and pain.

Many people who experience sinus problems use over-the-counter drugs, including decongestants, antihistamines, and pain relievers to help ease the symptoms. However, a diet rich in vitamins can also help reduce your risk for sinus infection.