If you've ever experienced acid reflux, you know that eating certain foods can worsen or trigger its symptoms and be quite confusing when trying to figure out which are safe or unsafe options when considering acid reflux treatments.
But there are certain foods to avoid to decrease symptoms and boost overall health. Here are some of the worst acid reflux culprits.
1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are among the worst foods for acid reflux, due to their high content of both malic and citric acids which irritate both esophagus and stomach lining, leading to symptoms like heartburn, stomach pain and nausea.
There are various strategies available to you for enjoying tomatoes without experiencing their side-effects. First and foremost, select only ripe varieties and avoid green and yellow ones.
Reduce acid intake by swapping out tomato sauce with another less acidic food source such as grated carrots that provide natural sugar that balances out any potential acidity present in the dish.
2. Garlic
Garlic is an enjoyable, nutritious food and one of the primary triggers of acid reflux disease; however, too much of this savory spice can trigger symptoms in acid reflux sufferers and should therefore be limited or eliminated from kitchen preparations altogether. The good news is that this delicious spice can easily be found in smaller amounts and eliminated without hassle from daily life.
Not only can garlic provide health benefits, it is also an enjoyable culinary ingredient that can add flair and fun to many cuisines. For an entertaining challenge in your group, peel off several cloves before applying them directly on chicken breast before grilling it!
For optimal tummy soothing foods, look towards vegetables low in acid. Green beans, broccoli and celery are great examples. Plus they're packed full of nutrition such as fiber and vitamins C and K!
3. Onions
If you suffer from acid reflux, it's essential to avoid foods which will exacerbate its symptoms. A diet high in fried and fatty foods, as well as carbonated beverages can trigger acid reflux episodes.
Chocolate, peppermint and citrus fruits can all contain acid that may exacerbate symptoms, while tomatoes and marinara sauce contain natural high concentrations of acid as well. Therefore, it would be wise to limit these items in your diet as much as possible.
If it is impossible to avoid these triggers, consider switching up your diet with lean meats, vegetables and fruit; yogurt is particularly useful as an alkaline food that can help maintain a normal pH balance within your body.
4. Black Pepper
Black pepper can be found in almost every dish worldwide; however, if you suffer from acid reflux it may not be your ideal solution.
Pepper, commonly known as pimento in Italy and Spain, originates from a flowering vine belonging to the Piperaceae family and grows throughout tropical regions like Vietnam and India.
Pepper berries are collected, dried and processed into peppercorns that play a pivotal role in global spice trade, accounting for 20-30 percent of revenue worldwide.